24 October 2010

Free legal docs

I've certainly had my fair share of legal wranglings in the past few years, and it pretty much all started when I decided to marry Katherine*!

One thing I've grown to appreciate from my legal experiences is how useful it is to have access to free legal documents with a South African flavour, and finally I think I've found a site that offers this!

http://www.freelegaldocs.co.za/ seems to have no strings attached and provides - at the very least - useful templates to work from for matters ranging from Company documents (CM9, CM22) to Home Affairs documents (Applications for Birth Certificates, VISA) through to Property documents (Commercial / Residential leases, Power of Attorney in Respect of Property). I am very satisfied that there is enough here to play around with for me, starting with Birth Certificates and my Last Will and Testament.

* It must be noted that Katherine is not the cause of the legal wranglings, but marriage was just the start of our dealings with lawyers.

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