16 May 2013

Fedora: Missing Security Signature when installing any programs behind authenticated proxy

I've decided to make the plunge into Linux as my primary desktop at work; this is the only way I'm going to learn anything about Linux I suspect. Fatherhood has put paid to any efforts at home so this is my time, this is the hour, this is my future (blah blah blah).

I connect via an authenticated proxy (Bluecoat) so this may not apply to everyone but it's a guide for those that need it.

One of the very first things I hit when trying to install any applications on Fedora was an error about certificates.


When trying to install google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm (no comments necessary about Chromium please)...

Missing security signature
The package security signature is missing and this package is untrusted. 
This package was not signed when created.

Public key for google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm is not installed

From my limited understanding of how things work, this is because YUM is not configured to talk via the proxy and YUM doesn't talk to the System Settings. YUM must be configured independently in order for these installations and updates to take place:
  1. Open Terminal
  2. sudo nano /etc/yum.conf
  3. Insert three lines at the bottom of [main] section as so:
    1. proxy=proxy details:port
    2. proxy_username=proxy user name
    3. proxy_password=proxy password
  4. To make sure it worked, run sudo yum list
  5. If it has worked you'll see files updating.
Export the settings as so:
  1.  export http_proxy="http://proxy details:port/"
To make them persistent on reboots, add export command to the login:
  1. nano /root/.bash_profile
  2. export http_proxy="http://proxy details:port/"
To verify the settings have been entered into the environmental variables you can run one of the following:
  1. env
  2. env | grep proxy
    1. If you do not see http_proxy=(your proxy details:port) then something is wrong with the export command.
Once this is all done, if you try to install the program you should see it go through just fine.

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