31 December 2011
27 December 2011
R200 for a wrong flag design?
You're basically paying R200 to someone else to reward them for being stupid and you're also advertising to the (intelligent) rest of the world that you can't tell your left from your right and you're as stupid as the people that make this. In fact, if you own one, you're even more stupid than the designers because they've got your money for it and you're the one showing off how you were ripped off.
Dealify is dead ... Merry Christmas!
I suspect there are more reasons than I can discuss here but one of the failings is possibly the fact that Dealify was the only one to venture out to mainstream media. Not really sure if it cost them too much to advertise or if it opened up people's eyes to the concept (and their competitors) but it's a pity because Dealify tried to break the mould.
Here's their site's explanation:
This is the end...
It's official, Dealify is closed!
Now, if you've bought a coupon recently don't panic, they're still valid
and our lovely client service lass is still working (very hard) to make
sure your experience with us remains a good one.
And if you're a merchant with concerns about payment, don't be! We promise
to make sure you're paid, after all we're backed by Naspers who's been
around for over 80 years.
If you're a customer and have any queries, questions or comments please
don't hesitate to get in touch on 0861 332 5439 or info@dealify.com
If you're a merchant and have any queries about payment please contact
From all of us at Dealify we'd like to thank YOU for being part of the
Dealify family.
We wish you the happiest holidays and a prosperous New Year.
Much love,
The D Team.
19 December 2011
18 December 2011
11 December 2011
Google sounding the death of BlackBerry or sounding a declaration of war?
BlackBerry any more. The app isn't even available for download any
more either, it's just gone!
Their argument is that they will now focus on the web based interface instead.
Somehow, I don't really buy it. I mean, they also recently pulled the
Apple app for GMail too, so I'm suspecting this is more an
Android-growing tactic. In either case, it's very sad news for
BlackBerry users and also very confusing: why not leave the app in
place until this new web interface is live?
05 December 2011
BlackOps: Google Sync adding entries to BBM Groups instead of default calendar fix
This was first experienced for me on my BlackBerry Torch 9800 with OS6 and the source of the problem is a conflict between Google Sync and BBM. The quickfix is to uninstall BBM and then reset your calendar sync and then reinstall BBM.
Here are the steps in detail:
- Backup your BBM contacts etc. and then remove BBM. In OS6 go to Options --> Device --> Application Management --> BlackBerry Messenger --> Delete
- Note: some users experienced difficulties deleting BlackBerry Messenger; in such cases first try to install the latest version available from the BlackBerry App World and then delete it from there; for some reason the default "core" installation bundled with the OS isn't removable.
- Consult http://brattex.blogspot.com/2011/05/blackops-that-google-calendar-syncing.html for initial steps and for methods to backup your calendar. You can skip the steps on deleting service books (i.e. do not do steps 3 and 5) but follow the rest.
- After you've run Google Sync and verified that it's all in your default calendar ... reinstall BBM.
23 November 2011
22 November 2011
Stop the Secrecy Bill today!
In order to assist everyone else in airing their same concerns, here are the email addresses to consider sending an email to, starting with the infobill one first...
- infobill@parliament.gov.za
- idavidson@parliament.gov.za
- gmagwanishe@parliament.gov.za
- mmotshekga@parliament.gov.za
- nntwanambi@parliament.gov.za
- vcalvert@parliament.gov.za
18 November 2011
Picasa and Picasa Web Albums - Free unlimited storage
I'm not on Facebook (and can't really comment on their photo storage options but I think pictures are resized) but am quite an avid fan of Google. Picasa Web Albums was limited to 1GB of storage so it wasn't really an option for me either but I've since learned that Picasa now offers a form of unlimited storage for photo's (and more importantly, videos).
In summary, files under a certain size don't count towards your 1GB storage limit and videos up to 15 minutes won't either. If you reach your quota, all future uploads are resized to fit within the free resolution requirements.
17 November 2011
Sending an e-mail to Twitter, receiving Twitter to e-mail
I've found a way to overcome my laziness with an e-mail to Twitter solution that allows me to tweet from the comfort of my mailbox.
TwitterMail (@TwitterMail or https://twitter.com/#!/TwitterMail)
TwitterMail allows you to send an email to a specific Twittermail email (for example, abc123@twittermail.com) which then tweets it to your associated Twitter account. Better yet, you can also receive tweets sent to your username (@twittername) via email.
The problem is privacy. For TwitterMail to work you need to share your twitter account with them. For some people, this may be a problem. For others (like me), it's not such a big deal because it's not like a rogue Twitter thief would be able to do much with my Twitter account anyway!
For a bit of piece of mind, it uses The Visitor Widget to authenticate on http://twittercounter.com/pages/twittermail without sharing your Twitter password (which allows the application to read tweets from your timeline, see who you follow, follow new people, update your profile, and post tweets for you; it will not be able to access your direct messages or see your Twitter password). You can also revoke access at any time by going to your Applications tab of your Settings page - good enough?
Additional features of TwitterMail include:
In Your Arms - Kina Grannis
Ever tried to create a stop motion video yourself?
If you have, then you'll appreciate the immense labour of love that this music video is.
22 months.
1,357 hours.
30 people.
2 ladders.
1 camera.
288,000 jelly beans.
Hotprints is going!!
I only discovered Hotprints a few weeks ago and have already ordered a test sample to see just how good they are for their 'free' pricetag. I'm still waiting in anticipation to see what my photobook looks like if / when it arrives.
The model was simple: you pay $4 for international shipping and get an advertising leaflet in the photobook to subsidise the cost of the prints.
Alas, I had hoped to reveal this modern wonder to the world with an in-depth review of a tangible product but now it seems this venture is pointless. Hotprints closes down at the end of the month, so if you want to try them out you have until end of Friday 18 November to place an order.
Sad. So very sad. It was a great concept and unfortunately just not a sustainable model, it seems.
Give them a try if you want ... You've got one day left.
14 November 2011
11 November 2011
In less than an hour ...
11/11/11 11:11:11
(2011/11/11 at 11h11m11s)
That really won't happen again except in 12 hours' time so you have this momentous occasion and only for a second. Enjoy it. Remember where you are and what you were doing when that second passed you by.
10 November 2011
Get your free copy of Eish Magazine - Online!

Read about...
> The musical resurrection of Durban's local band Habit To
> We take a trip to Hawaii for the ultimate surf experience with surf photographer, Ryan Janssens.
> SA Fashion Week's business of fashion, read about how it all went down in Sandton.
> Some inside information for the guys...How to get a girl?
> Want to succeed as a freelance photographer? Andrew Brauteseth is that guy with a camera...
> People watching at Follow you Art and Interpret Durban... inside this issue of Eish.
For trends, fashion, lifestyle and how society gets high on life!
Get your complimentary issue NOW!
Facebook : Eish Magazine
Twitter : eish_mag
07 November 2011
Playlist Central - Free music streaming for South Africa on cellphone or PC
Under the "more" button at the top you can generate a random playlist from 5 to 50 songs from 'any' genre and year. There is also support for cellphone streaming and ... interestingly ... uploading songs?
UPDATE 2011-12-05:
I noticed a few weeks ago that this site was no longer accessible and now when you go there it says "account suspended" so I guess it's back to the old drawing board, or www.grooveshark.com for your music fix :)
When I was in the U.S.A. I was overwhelmingly convinced that Pandora music service would be the next big thing to hit the world of internet music streaming. When I returned to South Africa I was heartbroken to discover that it's limited to U.S.A. and I would never be able to partake of the juicy goodness that lies in Pandora outside of the States.
Almost two years later, a poor substitute has surfaced in South Africa called Playlist Central which boasts (at time of post) more than 76GB of 64Kbps MP3 music (that adds up to more than 1200 artists, 2900 albums, almost forty thousand songs, or in other language - one thousand two hundred hours [forty nine days of non-stop music]) that is free-to-play online.
Some may argue that forty thousand free-to-play songs online for South Africans isn't a poor substitute but clearly those 'some' haven't tried out Pandora! Since this post isn't about Pandora I won't do a comparison and will focus more on Playlist Central and what it offers in a South African context.
Playlist Central is currently in a beta offering but from what I've tried in the afore-mentioned context of available South Africa services it's fantastic. Sporting a range of artists from A-Z including the likes of Abba, Seether, Breaking Benjamin, Adele, and Sepultura there's sure to be something for everyone.
20GB prepaid Vodacom data for R499
You can now get 20GB prepaid data for R499 instead of the original R3,620.00 - that's quite a decent drop in cost if you ask me (which you didn't, but it's my blog so I'm telling you anyway).
This promotion starts today and ends 9 January 2012. There is no modem and the data summer bundle carries over until the last day of the next month.
25 October 2011
Very competitive Dion Wired laptop deal
You see, there's a little special running until the end of this month for a Nokia 1800 cellphone, Samsung Celeron notebook (with Windows 7 Basic), Cell C 3GB UMTS USB speed stick, and a Casual Chat 100 contract all for the combined price of R145 per month for only 24 months.
The total after 24 months is R3480 (or thereabouts, if my mental maths is a bit off) and that's around the cash price you'd expect to pay for most non-Atom entry-level laptops anyway. The rest of the trinkets are purely peripheral to the deal because in my mind to have to only spend R145 per month on a notebook for only two years is a really good thing. In only the first year you've spent R1740 on a laptop - that's pretty decent as far as I'm concerned. To still get a cellphone, 3G USB stick, and a casual phone contract on top of the laptop makes this hard to ignore.
So, from one techie-enthusiast to another (if you are one), go and check out this deal while it's still around! If you're not a techie-enthusiast, then take my word for it - this is a good deal!
Google Buzz is finally buzzted
I can't say that I'm too fussed (or is that 'fuzzed') about this news because I hardly used it - and I suspect most others hardly used it either. What Google Buzz was good for, however, was consolidating all your social feeds into one place on your GMail, which was really nice.
Again, though, I don't think its demise will impact too many people too harshly. But I thought I should still tell you. Ironically, you probably will get the news about this blog post through Google Buzz. Creepy eh?
PS - one useful thing to come from this news is the discovery of Google Takeout. Never heard of it? Google for it ;-)
Increase your Wi-Fi coverage for under $1
Check it out... BEER CANS (or soda cans...) as Wi-Fi antenna boosters!
22 October 2011
21 October 2011
20 October 2011
Telkom ADSL Special: 1Mbps UNCAPPED for FREE
How does this deal differ from the previous deal? Hardly. You get uncapped ADSL instead of 5GB+20GB.
What precisely do you get?
- Fast Internet ADSL (up to 1Mbps)
- Uncapped Telkom Internet 1Mbps
- Free line installation
- Free ADSL router without contractual obligations
15 October 2011
14 October 2011
BlackBerry special @ Incredible Connection
Although I'm not entirely fond of the 9800 because of a few design issues I've found, if you want a BlackBerry at a competitive price then Incredible Connection is running a price-beating special this weekend.
The monthly subs for BB Talk 100 is usually R349pm and I was unlucky enough to also have to pay R50pm for the 9800 which meant I'm paying the then 'standard' R399pm for the phone and contract. For this weekend you can enjoy 'everything' for R100pm less than what I had to pay, and it's also below contract rates making it a real bargain.
Rumour has it the Consumer Act also entitles BlackBerry handset owners (since April) to return their phones for a full refund in light of the recent BIS debacle. I'm sure this won't be easy and probably entails a fight and I doubt anyone in the blogosphere besides me is prepared to fight for such an insignificant cause ... So I'll just have to keep you posted :)
08 October 2011
07 October 2011
Want to earn money driving foreigners around Durban?
Brief overview
You will be responsible for planning, preparing and guiding K-RITH visitors to areas of interest within Durban and surrounding areas. Your role includes both driving and guiding. You will be responsible for ensuring your guests have an informative, safe and enjoyable experience.
Google goes promiscuous?
Actually, let me rephrase that - it seems that one can now have a Google Account / identity which isn't *@googlemail.com or *@gmail.com.
01 October 2011
Only in JHB...
Consider the handset 'lifted'...
30 September 2011
29 September 2011
Score for free kalahari stuff!
R35 shipping fee got you down?
Then just buy stationery to the value of R15 and get it all absolutely free!
Behold! The cheapskate Johnston's have done it again! One free marker pen and 100 post-it notes, delivered for a cost or R35 but discounted by R50!
Make your vouchers work for YOU!
25 September 2011
23 September 2011
19 September 2011
FREE PC game: Portal
This special runs until 20 September whereupon it reverts back to the regular retail price of $19.99.
16 September 2011
SAOL: Freaky Friday R11/gig
Want to secure this Freaky Friday special? E-mail info@saol.com or call 0861007265.
15 September 2011
FREE PC Game: Dragonsphere
Check it out here: http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/dragonsphere
14 September 2011
Free Microsoft Points
Fill in a quick survey (and it really is quick - I clicked my answer and clicked submit and earned my points) every month and get something back.
Sure, it isn't much, but if you did this for one year you'd at least have earned yourself 240MSP for virtually nothing :)
Supersport.com is messed up
It's South Africa, everyone's at work, and we're rugby mad. Server overload? No excuse!!
Now, it seems, possibly, the site isn't quite right yet - I think the online live streaming isn't working properly either... you can view for free at the moment - I think...
http://www.supersport.com/video/play.aspx?id=104501 to test my theory :)
SAOL Wacky Wednesday
E-mail info@saol.com or call them on 0861007265 to get your Wacky
Wednesday Top Up.
13 September 2011
Ultimate Support CD for Computer Admin's
- Bootable CD with a ton of diagnostic programs and tools, including -
- Partitioning agents
- Cloning and imaging tools
- Data recovery tools
- MBR tools
- BIOS tools
- Account recovery tools
FREE PC Game: Ultima IV Quest of the Avatar
Anyway, all that aside, it's a great game and if you want a trip down memory lane then go and grab it for FREE now!
Alternatively, buy Ultima 4, 5, and 6 for under $6 here: http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/ultima_4_5_6
Telkom 1Mbps special: last few days remaining!
If you're in the market for good value internet then you have a few days left until the Telkom Trial special is officially OVER. In fact, you have until the 15th of September to place your orders.
To order it online go to the telkom.co.za website and click on "Free Trial" near the center of the screen. Otherwise, just click here: https://secureapp.telkom.co.za/ido/index.do?utm_source=telkom_coza&utm_medium=banner&utm_content=home_banner&utm_campaign=telkom_ido
What you get:
- Fast internet (DSL access up to 1024 kbps)
- Sufficient data allowance to use:
- 5 GB of blended data PLUS 20 GB local data
- Free line and internet installation.
- Free modem without contractual commitments.
- Line rental, call charges and out of bundle data (blended and local data) excluded.
Just remember to cancel the deal (to avoid the 1Mbps line costs if you don't want to keep 1Mbps, or want to downgrade the line, etc.) in time: https://secureapp.telkom.co.za/ido/unregister.do
12 September 2011
Wi-Fi hotspot locations in Africa
Check out this site if you're in the Africa region:
Now with Afrihost offering their own Wi-Fi service, your options for enjoying a cuppa on the move while checking your GMail from your portable tablet have just grown that much bigger! Enjoy, and indulge!
09 September 2011
Free Xbox 360 DLC: Red Dead Redemption
Thanks, Oltman!
More importantly, THANKS Rockstar!
Superbru featured pools - free prizes!
If you're a freeloader (like me) and a rugby fan then I strongly suggest you try your luck at the following Superbru pools to enter for some free prizes:
Inside this page you will find links to all of the public pools which offer free entry and prizes (weekly, or overall).
As of now these are the pools available to join - you can only be in five so choose wisely:
- Shield RWC2011 - T-shirts for for everyone that uploads a photo (see page for details), and "R48,000 CASH up for grabs". This pool offers an absolutely free prize to anyone that uploads a photo. You could be scaley and sign up, win your T-Shirt, and quit the pool if you are over-subscribed.
- Sport24.co.za - Top player wins 12-month membership to Virgin Active. Yellow cap winners win 3-month memberships.
- Nando's - Yellow cap winners win a signed and framed South African Rugby Supporter Shirt signed by Victor Matfield and Bakkies Botha (whoopee!). I have a feeling Nando's will offer other goodies along the way too.
- BruGolfers - Win 2 x fourball entries to the Sardine Run 3-day golf tournament on the South Coast including entry to golf, goodies, dinner, breakfast and accommodation for all 3 days. Package worth R60,000!
- Mr. Delivery - Best player wins R5,000.00 voucher from Mr. Delivery; yellow caps win R200 vouchers.
- Bonus pool: if you're a South Africa fan you should also be in the South Africa Fans pool which also opens you up to other prizes (best player on the Springbok fans leaderboard will win 2 nights for 2 at 5 star game lodge Lukimbi Safari Lodge).
South African Prizes also include a grand prize (4-day tour package on the Blue Train for 2 persons courtesy of JB Train Tours) and best each round prize (40 inch Hyundai Full HD LCD TV from Teljoy). For the full list of prizes (including pool vs. pool prizes) check out this link: http://www.superbru.com/rwc/prizes.asp
As a final observation, http://hectic.superbru.com/ is up and running for those people struggling to get onto the main site, and you need to make your predictions.
Enjoy! And may the best 'bru win :)
Goodyz - Best player wins a BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone. There are only 121 players at time of writing so the odds are almost 1% per player, barring any consideration for rugby prediction talent!
07 September 2011
FREE Xbox 360 game: Crimson Alliance
Tonight I've found Crimson Alliance for free on Xbox LIVE - approximately 1GB of game and all completely for no cost besides your bandwidth.
It's an action-RPG adventure supporting up to four local co-op players as well as online co-op. No idea about whether it's any good or not but anything for free can't be all that bad, right? :)
06 September 2011
Rugby World Cup 2011 Google Calendar Fixtures List
- Any product that supports iCal format (usually MS Outlook, Google Calendar, Android phones, iOS devices, BlackBerry): https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/ct240d39oc9kq21cq3bn70jii8%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
- Website address to bookmark (and view from anywhere with a browser):
https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ct240d39oc9kq21cq3bn70jii8%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Africa/JohannesburgOr abbreviated to
03 September 2011
An easy way to profit in retail
Here's my latest pearl: going retail without much capital or effort.
The concept is simple. Many retail stores out there offer you a "we'll beat any price" promise provided you can furnish proof of a competing store's advert. All you need to do to exploit this is to either (a) print out a pamphlet promising below-cost prices for products that other major retail chains are selling or (b) set up a home office or website that fakes a storefront.
Let me elaborate:
- GAME will match any competitor's price on a product they sell provided the competitor has the same product in stock. Not only will GAME match the price but they'll offer you a further 10% discount on the product price difference.
- GAME will usually look at a printed advert and then phone the store to verify that the price is valid and stock is available.
- All you need to do is see what GAME sells (for example, a 46" FHD 3D LED TV for R19,299) and then print out an advert for the same product at some insane "opening sale special" of R1,929. Organise a landline or cellphone number as your store's "front" number and have two friends (or more if your friends can't put on accents) man the phone.
- Walk in to GAME and show them the advert and say it's an opening special and will they match the price. They have to because it's their policy but they'll first need to check that the special is valid.
- Dialing the number on the advert your first buddy answers the phone with appropriate background noise generated by a TV or a fake PA sound effect etc. and says "Bargain Discounts Electronics, Ronnie speaking, how may I direct your call?" and then GAME will ask about the product special at which point 'Ronnie' says, "hold on a moment, let me put you through to the Home Entertainment division" and hits a HOLD button to make the classic elevator music.
- Buddy #2 picks up the phone and says something official like "hello, despatch" and then undertakes a small conversation about how they've been put through to the wrong division and they'll transfer them.
- Buddy #1 picks up and says "hello, switchboard" and then transfers the GAME guy to Buddy #2...
- "Hello, showroom"... "yes sir, that product is on special - we have one left"... "okay let me put you through to my accounts department"
- Buddy #1 "hello, Gavin speaking..." and so on.
- The key to making this whole process work is faking a call-transfer and using big words like "warehouse", "showroom", and "despatch" to flummox the GAME guy.
- At a loss, they'll have to mark their TV set down to R1,929 and then knock off an additional ten percent difference, which is R1,737, rendering the whole TV set to a new price of under R200. Even if you score just one, you've scored a huge bargain ;-)
- GOOGLE for "electronics store" images and grab one that looks good
- Spruce it up a bit
- Take it in to GAME :-)
02 September 2011
License Terms for Microsoft Software
Ever suffered with sleepless nights wondering whether you're compliant with Microsoft's end user license agreement that you clicked "AGREE" to?
Well, stress no more! Go here and find out the license terms for ANY of Microsoft's software products!
01 September 2011
Software: yEd (free flowchart and diagramming tool)
Why struggle with Visio or any other tool when yEd can do it all for you and takes no more than around five minutes to figure out?
Key features include:
- Import data for analysis from Excel spreadsheets or XML
- Create diagrams with ease using an intuitive user interface
- Auto-magically arrange your diagram elements
- Export your diagram to bitmap or vector graphics: PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF, SWF, ...
BlackApps: RWC 2011 by iRB
If you own a BlackBerry, love rugby, want to follow the Rugby World Cup in detail, or just want to overload your phone with trending apps, then the RWC 2011 app is for you.
It can be downloaded over here: http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/54515?lang=en
- Add fixtures for any match to your built-in calendar or add all the fixtures for your favourite team
- BBM6 integration (requires an upgrade of your BBM if you haven't already done so) provides real-time content sharing, automatic status updates, and live match in-app chat.
- Access the Match Centre for live match coverage, including real-time live commentary, stats and video highlights.
- Get the latest news and keep up to date with the RWC 2011 Daily video.
29 August 2011
To boldly go...
I phoned VODASHOP Westwood (the store in question) and requested the procedural information to swap out a handset for a new model if it's within seven days (which in my case it is). The manager said it's not possible to exchange a handset unless it's faulty, in which case you still get a replacement model of the same type in return. I then politely referred him to the Consumer Protection Act and said it was, by law, possible to exchange a handset for another one. He insisted that even though there is a CPA, I have already signed all relevant CPA documents when I upgraded so I am bound by the contract.
(boxing gloves were lying next to my desk but I resisted putting them on)
I politely pointed out he was incorrect and added that I was simply not prepared to fight about it. I could get lawyers involved and it would just become messy for everyone and rather I just wanted to know if there was a stress-free way for me to be assisted and he said he was very sorry but no. Fine. I'm not bothered about it - I am not keen on bringing in the law either; my energy is far too sapped for that. The Old Bryan would have fought tooth and nail but the New (Older) Bryan is more mellow.
As I was about to go the manager asked for my information and said he would put out some feelers to see if anyone would be able to help with a new 9780 Bold for me as a swap out and I said that was great but that I wouldn't hold my hopes out. We departed on very amicable terms with him promising to help me get a replacement if he could and me promising not to fight them for breach of CPA.
The moral of the story? You can get a lot of cover through the CPA and if anyone at a store tries to be obtuse then just thrust those three magical letters and stand steadfast behind it. If they insist you're wrong, insist back that they are wrong, even if you're not sure, and chances are 99% of the time they'll back down because they won't want to have hefty penalties or law suits on their hands. Just act confident (even if you're not sure) and you can get your way now and get the quality customer service you deserve*.
* I am not trying to advocate petty intimidation or arm-twisting but rather encouraging you to use the CPA that is there to protect you and to hopefully encourage most retailers to improve their customer service to the level we, as consumers, are entitled to.
27 August 2011
Last Night was FRIDAY!!
She's even created her very own alter-ego, Kathy Beth Terry with a Twitter and Facebook account - very inventive!
22 August 2011
The dot DEALS blow-out
These social deals that are doing the rounds as GROUPON, MYCITYDEAL, TWANGOO, WICOUNT, etc. (they vary from country to country but I'm speaking specifically from a South African perspective here) have practically ballooned in the past year and I can't see how this is a sustainable model at all.
To start, we've got the actual concept of the system - a supplier engages one of the various deals providers to promote their product and then gives away their product at a tremendously below-margin price while still paying the deals provider for the advertising service.
There are already problems with this model. Firstly, how do you know which provider to pick? Everyone probably has the same audience by now (come on, admit it - you've signed up to more than one deal service already, haven't you?) and the audience is becoming saturated. For a provider to outdo another provider they need to claim a larger portion of the audience pool but there's a limited number in the pool to begin with. By now I'm fairly sure 80% of the entire target audience has been snapped up by one (or more) of the deals providers so their life expectancy based on this fact must be severely limited.
Secondly, how can a supplier survive as a business if they're selling off their products at well below cost to scores (or hundreds) of consumers? The third problem stems from the second problem, and that's the problem of commission. Not only do the suppliers have to see a value in selling a hundred products at below-cost pricing but they have to still pay the deals provider for the service which even further erodes their cashflow.
The concept of aggressive marketing isn't new by any stretch but the next challenge is ensuring that your potential clients don't just sit around lurking and waiting for you to set up a social deal just for them to snatch it up - it's almost like we're creating a generation of lazy consumers that will rather wait and hold out for a deal than buy something at full price. A risky business.
I haven't even mentioned the email farming that's taking place so there's a lot more to this whole story but I won't bore you with the details. Instead, I'll just finish off with this observation (which has led to my prediction): how often do you receive adverts for weight-loss, hair treatments or gym sessions? Now compare that to how often you actually find a really good deal nowadays. See where this is going?
21 August 2011
19 August 2011
Remove "Could not reconnect all network drives" message
- Run --> CMD
- net use * /delete /y
Google 2-step Verification
Essentially Google 2-step Verification puts in another layer of security in addition to what you know: what you have. The principle is simple: when you authenticate with what you know (your password) it will also prompt you to give another bit of code from what you have (your phone). This can be done either through SMS, voice message, or a random generator if you have the right handset.
There are a whole bunch of complexities when using Google 2-step Verification, including having to authorise certain applications again and relying quite heavily on your phone to be able to do simple things but I've decided to try it out for a month or two and see if I can cope with the added layers of security. I'll report back soon, either because it's become virtually impossible to cope with it or because I love it. If you don't hear back from me it will probably mean it changed my life without me knowing about it (which is almost as good as me loving it).
I've set it up on my BlackBerry to generate authentication codes and have my wife as a backup. When I travel back to New York I'll also have access to once-off codes just in case my BlackBerry fails me.
Until later, then...
To monetize or not to monetize?
I don't really know what to say - Google thinks my blog is popular! Now all I have to do is make it even more popular (I'll reconsider AdSense when I'm getting around 100 hits a day) and then maybe you can all help me pay for my next holiday to New York City :)
I'm not a total sellout though, so only when I hit a decent turnover of visitors and produce something meaningful will I consider it. Nice to know that Google cares though. And that they're watching me.
17 August 2011
Virgin Cult Oil??
Maybe someone should get the Dragnet crew onto the case!
16 August 2011
14 August 2011
Nando's outdoes themselves - AGAIN!
I'm a massive fan of the strips, rice, veg meal box for R24.95 and I also get the added bonus of cash back if I use my DISCOVERY credit card (12% back at the moment). Add on to that my peri-peri passionate card and every four meals I score a freebie!
Tonight it was the free burger or large salad to take home. I flashed my loyalty card and the manageress came by a while later to point out the card is no longer valid; Nando's has cancelled the promotion. She showed me the fine print and I couldn't argue with her (not that I would have if there was a legitimate cut-off date anyway).
To my surprise she then flashed up a free burger on the till and paid for it herself!! She said she would honour the voucher herself even though Nando's head-office wouldn't allow her to do it at Nando's cost. I was stunned into silence and I am overly impressed! I didn't ask for it and she volunteered it of her own accord!
To the manageress of Nando's WESTWOOD - thank you! Awesome service! I am definitely a loyal patron!
R25 has earned you my loyalty, card or not :)
12 August 2011
05 August 2011
29 July 2011
27 July 2011
The Humble Indie Bundle #3
The Humble Indie Bundle is currently on sale for any price you want to pay and you can even determine how the contributions you make get distributed between developers and charities.
I can't comment on the quality of the games but the principle excites me so why not check them out? Thanks to Oltman for pointing out this deal!
The basic features are as follows:
- Cross-platform (LINUX, Mac OS X, Windows)
- Pay what you want
- Support charity
- DRM free (install as many times as you like AND redeem them on Steam and Desura)
A video of the bundle is located here:
British Passport renewal made EASY in South Africa
Well, as it turns out, not really. I concede that these passport services are really helpful and knowledgeable about what the procedure entails but specifically with my experience with a British Passport renewal, I don't think they're worth the cost or the time and effort of going down to their offices because you can actually do everything besides the photographs (unless you're skillful enough) from the comfort of your home.
From start to finish my entire application took under three weeks to be done (6 July to 22 July) and I did it all myself. I am now once again the proud owner of a British Passport and am a bona fide British Citizen! Doing it yourself will save you a good deal of money (it's not pocket change by any stretch so if you found my blog post useful feel free to send me 10% of your savings) and actually save you some time too.
Since this post is about the EASY way(s) to renew your passport I have included both information on passport services that offer the luxury of doing it for you as well as the DIY method which I recommend.
The first thing you will need to know is that my method may differ slightly from yours because I am a full-blown UK citizen with right of abode and am in possession of my own (expired) passport. The methods listed below will probably be the same for most of you but just in case they're not, I am very keen to update this post if you have a different experience so feel free to leave comments below. Everything I needed is highlighted in red font so keep an eye out for these if you are renewing your passport and already have your current or expired one.
- Fill in the required forms
- http://centralcontent.fco.gov.
uk/resources/en/pdf/central- content-pdfs/form-c1.pdf - http://centralcontent.fco.gov.
uk/resources/en/pdf/central- content-pdfs/form-c1-notes.pdf - You will need to sign an online credit card authorisation form if you're paying by credit card.
- Get the photographs taken
- Find someone upstanding to be a countersignatory and make sure you follow the correct guidelines (below)
- Submit via courier - they recommend Supaswift (pty) Ltd and I used them. R220 for their basic fee. I applied online in the evening on Wednesday 6 July and they came to collect Thursday noon and again on Friday morning (diligent!)
- Durbanites and Port Elizabethans can also make use of the British Cultural & Heritage Association (bcha1820@global.co.za) to courier their documentation once a month in a group bag. Contacts are 031 202 6174 and 041 585 3416 respectively.
- They claim that it takes around 4 weeks and if you want to follow progress, phone Careline on 0044 208 082 4743 but have your credit card ready because it costs 72p+VAT per minute! My application took fewer than 3 weeks.
22 July 2011
Puma 650FPS Air Rifle - "Ideal for kids!"
I think, instead, that perhaps this would be ideal for the advertising company that thought up that slogan!
21 July 2011
15 July 2011
Today is FRIDAY!!
Can't believe it!
How will we ever know what day it is today if we can't use the internet sensation's music video to remind us??
167 million reminders and now no more!
12 July 2011
Telkom ADSL special 18 July
The news of the moment is the countdown to Telkom's DSL upgrade special happening on the 18th of July. If you sign up for a new line installation from the 18th of July you'll get the following:
- FREE refurbished ADSL modem
- 5GB bandwidth for three months FREE
- 1Mbps ADSL line for three months FREE
- FREE line installation
01 July 2011
25 June 2011
23 June 2011
Brattex's Super 15 calendar is more popular than the real thing!
21 June 2011
Counting down to going BLUE!
Although I hate to admit it, hearing that tune brings a smile out of an otherwise cynical and grumpy BrYan. Yes, I may nowadays be more akin to Gargamel but when it comes down to being full of fun and excitement and I'm cornered, I suppose I'm more alike to Jokey Smurf.
But I digress.
The 25th of June is Global Smurfs Day! Why should you care? Well, on Global Smurfs Day you can participate in a Guinness World Record attempt and also celebrate the impending arrival of the new Smurfs 3D movie (like that was never going to happen)!
Go here for more information: http://www.globalsmurfsday.com/ and remember to WEAR BLUE!!
17 June 2011
10 June 2011
09 June 2011
Does anyone else notice the irony?
07 June 2011
Is Olive Oil bad for cooking?
Never being one to accept face-value information from people that aren't experts, I decided to do a little digging around the unquestionable global knowledge repository, the Internet.
In a nutshell, heating Olive Oil is no worse than normal oils and in fact in some instances has a higher Smoking Point temperature than other oils which makes it better for frying. Of course, the main reason to get expensive Olive Oil is for its myriad household uses and its flavour but the purpose of this post is to briefly illustrate the cooking qualities.
This is by no means a complete thesis on the health benefits (or lack thereof) of Olive Oil but just a brief so you can rest assured about what parts of the Olive Oil myths are in fact myths and which are true.
06 June 2011
03 June 2011
02 June 2011
FREE Android Apps
I'm a bit of a fan of ANDROID even though I don't yet own an ANDROID device (note, I said "yet").
There was recently a special on at Amazon that allowed any ANDROID owner to get a free "Plants vs. Zombies" download - not sure if it worked outside of the US, but it was a great offer (saving you around $3).
Since I'm a big fan of free, I decided to include a link to the current list of FREE games available for ANDROID users. Please comment below if these work for South African users if you try them out?
Click here to go to the free Android Apps (as far as I can tell, they're free ;))
30 May 2011
A friends' burden
Usually this wouldn't be something to blog about since most people at some stage of life have kids.
In my friend's case, however, her experience is something altogether unique and altogether heartbreaking.
Near the beginning of her pregnancy she and her husband learned that their child would be born with a severe heart defect that would mean he wouldn't survive. They were faced with the agonising choice of whether or not to accept the medical prognosis and keep the pregnancy or to terminate.
There are going to be people that argue for both options and in every case there will be a moral justification for it. Having been through a similar circumstance and having faced the same decisions to make I can appreciate how difficult it is to even have to be considering those options you previously thought were never going to be options. I know our personal experience doesn't equate to their nightmare but I believe we can still empathise.
29 May 2011
Great Nando's Value!
There's a new meal at Nando's for R24 - strips, rice, and veg. This is comparable to my favourite meal, strips & rice, and at R24 as opposed to R39 (for the latter) it's a great deal.
Kat & I share this and a large wedges and a KFC coleslaw for a total of R24 + R20 + R10 = R27pp. A great, wholesome meal (especially compared to other takeouts) for under R30 each ... And it tastes great!
With a Discovery Vitality Card you also get up to 20% back in rebates so it's a fantastic deal!
27 May 2011
Today is FRIDAY!!
* by such I mean videos like a slowed down version (why make it 5 times longer?) and sped up version, which together have added on another TWO MILLION hits on their own. I can't completely fathom this!
I have to confess that I actually rather enjoy the original song; well, it gets under your skin at any rate :)
Enjoy the weekend guys!
("yesterday is today if you go back one day")
24 May 2011
Web2Pin - send BlackBerry PIN messages via the web
* To find out a PIN type mypin in a message box on the BlackBerry handset and the autocorrect will pop up with the PIN of the phone.
(I'm interested to see if I can find a way to feed in parameters to this solution to have automated scripts ...)
Golden Oldies: Crazy Vintage Ads
It sometimes pays to look back on life and see how far we've come (or how far we've strayed). I present to you my Golden Oldies of the Advertising Era!
I don't know if this is a (c) violation but am presuming it's not :) |